National Association of Asian American Law Enforcement Commanders
Regular – Regular members must be full-time law enforcement officers/agents with a Federal, State or Local governmental agency who supervises law enforcement officers or agents on a full time basis, and must have the authority to write performance evaluations and have the authority to administer discipline.
Retired – Retired members must have been a NAAALEC member in good standing at the time of retirement.
Associate – Associate members must have police/federal officer/agent authority with a Federal, State or Local governmental agency. Associate members can include seasonal, auxiliary, and other reserve status personnel, but must have the required sworn authority.
Supporting – Supporting members include (but are not limited to) members of security firms, civilian employees, and community members.
Corporate – Corporate sponsorship's are organizations that support the mission and goals of NAAALEC with donations that may include services, products and currency.
NAAALEC Application
All applications require a sponsor that is a regular NAAALEC member. Membership is contingent upon passing a background investigation with the approval of two board members. The background will be conducted to determine solely if the membership requirements are met and you are a person of good moral character.
NAAALEC has the right to deny, cancel or change (the type of) membership for any reason, and at any time.
NAAALEC welcomes all eligible persons to apply and does not discriminate membership based upon religion, ethnic origin, age, gender or sexual orientation.
NAAALEC is a fully approved 501c(3) non-profit organization and is eligible for tax exempt status. Please email the President at naaalecpresident@gmail.com for information regarding tax ID.
Mail applications to PO Box 170295 San Francisco, CA. 94117